Sunday, December 14, 2014

Go Nada Faris! Kuwait's Finest Slam Poet Responds to Buwair's Xenophobia

I had the absolute pleasure of meeting Nada recently at the Evita musical production. We sat and chatted briefly and she had a profound effect on me. Here lies a voice of reason, truth and hope. Kuwait can not blame foreigners for it's lack of planning. Trying to implement ridiculous rules to avoid foreigners driving on the roads here can be reciprocated in foreign countries. Imagine Kuwaiti students being told in the USA that they have to have a degree or pay a huge amount of money for a driving licence. Why don't you just do, as most countries do, implement fully comprehensive higher insurance rates for the cars people drive. Simple.

In Nada Faris' own words -

"I call myself an Anglowaiti who produces Anglowaiti Literature for an Anglowaiti audience.  I write because I have a social responsibility to discover who I am in relation to my environment and because I hope to elevate Kuwait’s social consciousness so it becomes more tolerant and accepting of different ways of living.
I mostly write for two young adult age groups, 12 to 17-year-olds and 18 to 29-year-olds, because I have faith in tomorrow’s leaders."

LWDLIK - I shall be following this feisty young lady with great interest. Would love to see her performing at Qout market, 7market, Shuwaikh market, or in the secret garden project in Salmiya. Be perfect with my hazlenut latte and gluten-free brownie. 

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