Tuesday, April 27, 2010

What to do with Al-Majadi?

Karim Al-Majadi was arrested for distributing CD’s on the holocaust and since his release six days ago Al-Majadi has been on a hunger strike. He has tried to discuss the matter with Parliament and was ushered out twice. Asked why he was arrested Al-Majadi explained he distributed CD’s on the holocaust to students at AUK which alerted security officers who called the police. He disclosed that he was instructed to sign a pledge that he would not distribute CD’s without a license and not to express his opinion on the matter.
He has pledged to stay on hunger strike until he gets an apology from the MOI and AUK for violating his freedom of speech.

LWDLIK- The holocaust is not widely believed in this area of the world. Many Arabs think it is a Jewish lie. My personal opinion is that if the Germans were so meticulous in documenting everything and those documents are available for verification and if the Germans apologized for the holocaust, then how can it not be true.


  1. No rational person denies the Holocaust, but questioning the real numbers, is not only rational but very much a must! though it is mostly unlawful in EU countries!

    Also, by no mean was it exclusive to Jews, and certainly WWII was not just about the Holocaust.

    Note: Denying the human suffering of the Jews is un just, also mixing the concept of Zionism and Judaism is shear stupidity.


  2. Hitler didn't just target the Jews - gypsies, homosexuals and diabled people were also wiped out in his attempt to purify the Ayran race. In fact anyone who didn't fit the prototype of being a blonde, blue eyed WASP was in danger of being arrested and detained in a work camp.

    By the way has anyone read the book "The boy in the striped pyjamas" or seen the movie?

  3. Hi EB, thanks for your comment. It is very sad that from the holocaust the zionist Jews have not learned the lesson of never repeating this tragedy on others.
    Hi Anon, of course we have to remember who else was next on his list for extermination to acheive the perfect Aryan race.
    Haven't seen the movie or read the book but I hear it's very good. I saw Schindler's List and read Mila 18 by Leon Uris, both very moving.

  4. Please do not forget the Zionist Anglicans :)

    They are the actual power

  5. For got to sign EB

  6. http://www.arabtimesonline.com/NewsDetails/tabid/96/smid/414/ArticleID/152986/t/Al-Majadi-goes-on-hunger-strike/Default.aspx

  7. He was my classmate in one of the classes. Although i do disagree with his opinion, but i don't think the way he was treated was right.

  8. Hi Walah, haven't heard much since this happened. I'm assuming he ended the hunger strike?


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