Wednesday, December 1, 2010

What Do You Think of WikiLeaks?

You've got to start reading some of the Wikileaks available in every newspaper. Personally I'm loving it (lot of people are not and are squirming a little) But should wikileaks be banned from public viewing? Hmmm..

In a delightful twist, a British military manual - the Defence Manual of Security, or Joint Services Protocol 440 (JSP440) - specifically dealing with how best to avoid leaks was leaked onto the site in October last year. It warned that the Chinese "[have] a voracious appetite for all kinds of information; political, military, commercial, scientific and technical" and that spying is no longer like "the novels of John Le Carre". Journalists are listed in the document as one of the "threats" to security, alongside foreign intelligence services, criminals, terrorist groups and disaffected staff. In an even more self-referential moment, a Pentagon document naming Wikileaks itself as a threat to national security was leaked - to Wikileaks.

1 comment:

  1. well, I think its just a matter of time that such things become a matter of course.
    Trying to hide information is going to be useless, look at our personal privacy for example? Evolution of such concepts expands to engulf every aspect of life.


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