Friday, February 4, 2011

Kuwait May Pardon Prisoners Who Memorise Quran

Gulf News:
Kuwait's Endowments and Islamic Affairs ministry has said that prisoners who can memorise the Quran might be eligible for the annual pardon.

The decision will be part of efforts to rehabilitate inmates and help them re-integrate society driven by high values. According to the ministry, 137 inmates were last enrolled in the memorisation programme.

"Kuwait adopts a religious preaching programme as part of its rehabilitation policy for inmates," the ministry said.

"Under the programme, prisoners attend lectures and study the Quran in order to instill greater discipline in their attitudes. Their success should allow them to be covered by the Amir's pardon," Gulf News quoted the ministry, as saying.

There are currently no definite regulations that allow inmates who memorise the Quran to be included in the pardon, the ministry of justice has said.

However, the Endowments and Islamic affairs ministry is working on a proposal that makes those who can recite the Quran eligible for amnesty in the future.

Several religious groups in the Muslim world have called for shaving time off prisoners' sentences if they can memorise all or parts of the Quran.


  1. Like we never had Quran memorizers or religion scholars go criminal before! Hajaj any one?

    Some places in yemen and else where, kids memorize the Quran by the age of 9, so is that a get out of jail card?


  2. I HATE it when people assume that religion is morality. A person could be moral with no religion. No amount of quran could camouflage immorality or being unethical. Only an idiot would believe so, and that says enough about those people who promote mentalities like this!


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