Sunday, October 31, 2010

Sisters are Doin' it For Themselves..

I always find it interesting to hear the different views from Kuwaiti women about the changes happening in Kuwait. Mostly I hear the fears that they have regarding the loss of culture and religion. This, I think, is understandable.

When I first came to Kuwait I remember thinking how wonderful life is here; the strong family ties, the kindness, the keenness to learn about other cultures.

I remember feeling quite ashamed when asked why our old people are put into nursing homes and why our parents encourage us to leave home at 18+ and support ourselves.

Our old people are put into nursing homes because that is where they will receive the very best care and attention and we can pick up the bill for all the TLC. If we didn’t care then we certainly would be forking out a small fortune to put them in nursing homes. And as for tough love and expecting your child to leave the family nest after they finish their schooling that is to remind them that it really is a tough world out there; and you must stand on your own two feet because still making your bed and picking up your clothes at 40 does not make a well-adjusted adult.

I was chatting the other evening, at the Austrian ambassador’s residence, with an interesting Kuwaiti lady who had studied for her doctorate in the US. I had asked how she found living in the States. She said that she found living in the States so easy but that she had experienced a huge culture shock when she got back to Kuwait. It seems, for her, in the years that she had been away there has been a social revolution in Kuwait. She was amazed at the growing number of cute girls in tight fitting clothing out with their mothers in abayas and hijab. The girls in hijab but wearing figure hugging clothing and excessive make-up. The young girls wearing hijab flirting and holding hands with boys in public places. And what most surprised her was the brazenness of their acts as if they didn’t care if a family member saw them behaving in this manner. Of course we also see the phenomena every day and are equally surprised.

Is it a wonder that the Islamists (most are fathers and brothers) are so worried about losing their youth, culture and religion to Western influences? Is it a wonder that Westerners have started to feel unwelcome here?

Has the change happened too fast? Has the means to travel abroad opened the youth’ minds and caused them to apply drastic changes to their own lifestyles? Has satellite TV and education given them the audacity to want and make their own choices?

It is quite a dilemma for the more conservative part of the population.

Change has also brought about very positive progress for women in all fields. The vote, four female MPs, laws being introduced to empower and protect women, etc.

I’m reminded of the words of an Aretha Franklin and Eurythmics song;

‘Sisters are doing it for themselves,
standing on their own two feet and
ringing on their own bells.’

What do you think?


  1. WOW

    I am impressed , first post and Opinion on this blog or for along time ,which usually caters for " whats Happening in Kuwait" .

    Keep it up

  2. Hi Daggero,
    Welcome back! Thanks.. I think you've missed a few posts :OD


Always great to hear from you :O)