Friday, March 16, 2012

McDonalds Supports People with Down Syndrome

Kuwaitiful was passing by McDonalds for lunch yesterday and was happy to find they offered a job to a person with Down syndrome. That’s the first time he's seen this in Kuwait, usually it’s abroad. More restaurants should do this, give jobs to people with Down syndrome which they can handle. There’s actually a KFC run by deaf employees in Cairo. 

LWDLIK - WTG young man. WTG McDonalds.  I wish I knew which branch I want to go help boost his sales and thank the manager. I remember once in The Sultan Centre they had a young  man with Down Syndrome working for a short time. I wanted to give him a big hug but he'd probably think I was very weird and call the police on me. Looked out for him next visit but never saw him again. :O(

Thanks for sharing Kuwaitiful.


  1. Does the guy want his picture plastered all over the internet? Did anyone ask him?


    1. Hi Mark, I did wonder but I'm assuming the photographer asked him first. I'm sure the young man in question already knows he has Down Syndrome - as do most people who come into contact with him. This post and Kuwaitiful's post are in awe of him and McDonalds very positive move to employ disabled/handicapped/challenged individuals.

      How do you know he wasn't asked?

  2. You're asking me how I know he wasn't asked? So you would rather assume he was asked and post this picture?Does he look like he's posing to you? This obviously looks like a voyeur shot and one that was cropped into from a wider shot.

    1. No he doesn't look as if he's posing. I had assumed that the spirit in which these posts were published would be inoffensive to anyone.

    2. I know you weren't trying to be offensive but assuming isn't the way to go about it. Since his permission wasn't asked (based on Kuwaitifuls post and the nature of the photo) then his photo shouldn't be posted since it's invading his privacy. I'm sure if you found your photo randomly on a blog you wouldn't like it either.

      Is it that important and big of a post to want to invade someones privacy for?

  3. Thanks for sharing! If you ever find out which branch he's in, let me know so I can visit too and give him a hug! Hehe!
    Sending you some good vibes,
    Honey :)


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