Thursday, April 19, 2012

The Kuwait Constitution Articles 35 and 36

Article 35 of Kuwait constitution: Freedom of belief is absolute. The country protects all religions symbols.

Article 36 of Kuwait constitution: Freedom of expression is protected. Every person has that right in speaking, writing, or any method.

LWDLIK - So why is the building of churches being curtailed? Why are art exhibitions stopped? Why is the death penalty for blasphemy being introduced? Something much more serious is at hand: The challenging of the constitution - the very basis of law and protection of the people.


  1. Em so... cynical old biddy that I am .... Since when, in recent history, has Kuwait abided by its own constitution? Freedom of speech was first followed by all these new issues.

    I've worked for Kuwaiti companies for a long time and it is as if the Government is taking their cue from business here: Write a standard operating procedure and then (starting with upper management), don't abide by your own policies.

    It is as if no one is in charge.

    1. :O( Holy Carumba! We need Homer and quick.


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