Monday, March 21, 2011

Another Top Tip for Finding a Husband

Went out to Avenues with family and my dear mother-in-law (MIL). She had a lovely time checking out the shops, buying some bits and having tea. We bought her some D&D flowers, sweets and a gift of boukhour from Atyab Al Marshoud (perfect for any Kuwaiti lady).

Now I, for one, love to see men out alone with their kids. I always think what a nice guy he must be. Seems the same is true if a woman is out with her elderly MIL/mother/aunt/grangma who is in a wheelchair. My hubby had disappeared to shop for a while so I was with my MIL shopping, chatting with her and helping her with things. I noticed lots of guys giving me the 'oh you are so lovely' look, smiling and being very helpful.  And I'm not on the market for a new husband, I wear a wedding ring and I'm in my late forties.

I'm telling you single ladies borrow someone's invalid granny - if you don't have one - and get yourself out there :O) Avenues even have their own wheelchairs at customer service.

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