Saturday, June 4, 2011

Female Activist Calls for Legalizing Sex Slavery

KUWAIT: A female political activist and former parliamentary candidate has recommended the introduction of legislation to legalize the provision of enslaved female concubines for Muslim men in Kuwait in a bid, she says, to protect those men from committing adultery or corruption.

The activist, Salwa Al-Mutairi, suggested apparently seriously in a video broadcast online that she had been informed by some clerics that affluent Muslim men who fear being seduced or tempted into immoral behavior by the beauty of their female servants, or even of those servants 'casting spells' on them, would be better to purchase women from an 'enslaved maid' agency for sexual purposes.

She suggested that special offices could be set up to provide concubines in the same way as domestic staff recruitment agencies currently provide housemaids.

We want our youth to be protected from adultery," said Al-Mutairi, suggesting that these maids could be brought as prisoners of war in war-stricken nations like Chechnya to be sold on later to devout merchants.

This is not religiously forbidden," she added, indicating that Caliph Haroun Al-Rashid (766-809 AD) was married to one woman but possessed 200 concubines.

LWDLIK- I have heard everything now.. Her last recommendation was to have every citizen tatooed with a barcode to identify them. Cuckoo...


  1. AnonymousJune 04, 2011

    she is clearly on crack cocaine!!

  2. Who Knows? :OD

    I'm amazed that that she gets any air time on TV or in the media. What an embarassment to women!

    When I asked my husband why they allow her to go on TV or why newspapers print her bizarre proposals, I thought he would say something about freedom of speech, etc. But instead he said "because she's hilarious." So I'm hoping that's what all the people are thinking. Fingers crossed.

  3. AnonymousJune 04, 2011

    she should put her daughter to be the first one

  4. @LWDLIK
    Embarassment not only to women but Islam aswell!
    How can she be advocating something frowned upon by the whole world(except Thailand) and call it a betterment for Muslim men!

    Hmmmmmm.....lets analyse what she said,
    Step 1:Bring Chechnyan women to Kuwait,promising them a better life than they had.
    Step 2: Sell them as Sex Slaves........To Muslim Men!!

    Wow!!! What a genius plan!!!

    Does she consider muslim men that pathetic??

    It's people like her that give Islam a bad name!
    I mean basically she wants to legalise prostitution.
    Whats next??....Legalise medicinal marijuana!!!

  5. No phuckin way!!!! What an idiot. Obviously, something like this must be happening in her own family... I agree - her daughter should be the first in line.

  6. AnonymousJune 04, 2011

    The problems is, they are attributing there twisted logic to the prophet of Islam, am man that tried to teach people how to deal with prisoners of war: free them for the sake of GOD! If prisoners knew a craft or how to read and write (AKA modern day knowledge), make them teach you and free them! if they can't afford to be free, then you have to "sponsor" them, which is modern day labor laws. Slaves or not slaves, thats terminology, but the logic behind our prophet is flawless! What you as humanity chose to do, is up to you, apparently people in our area have there priorities straight, sex comes first!
    In my opinion of course.


  7. AnonymousJune 04, 2011

    Nothing else to add....the song describes everything about her!!

  8. @ Daily 1 - Could be right, maybe it's BSE.

    @ Anon - Wasn't that long ago that this was in practise here. Many Kuwaitis had slaves who became the master's concubines and if they became pregnant then the master would marry them and the children took the father's name.

  9. @ All - Agree, truly lame idea!

    @ Anon with the song offering - Sorry I didn't watch the video. The title was enough.

  10. Isn't this the 'woman in red' who did the interview last year about the visions of a religious nature she had? She's a complete wacko.


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