Saturday, January 28, 2012

S.P.E.A.K (ing) Out for Mental Health in Kuwait

Standing for Psychological Education and Awareness in Kuwait is an awareness campaign that aims to eliminate the stigma against mental illness, its various treatments as well as psychology as a science and discipline. Our aim is to stand for and promote equality and respect for those individuals suffering from a mental illness. Secondly, we aim to encourage the seeking of treatment ranging from medication for serious mental illness to marital and family therapy. Finally, they seek to promote psychology as an academic and occupational choice.

S.P.E.A.K has been founded by two young Kuwaiti ladies Alaa Alhomaizi and Dalal Alhomaizi. They have been working on this project for two years now and thankfully received a lot of support from the Kuwaiti community and their university in the US (Northeastern University).

Yes they're twins..

This is their Facebook page [link] where you can find info and dates on their next seminar and meetings.  They are Twittering @ SPEAKuwait

S.P.E.A.K also offers a forum online where questions and topics may be asked and discussed [link].

A website is to follow shortly.

LWDLIK - What a wonderful campaign :OD

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Always great to hear from you :O)