Saturday, January 29, 2011

Could this be true? Hosni Mubarak Fleeing?

Most of us have been glued to the TV watching the uprising in Egypt. This evening my husband received this by text msg:

At 12:59 pm today, Hosni Mubarak and his son Jamal and their wives along with their grand daughter Ferida escaped to a near by air base west of Cairo to board 2 private planes. 1 carrying the family and the other carrying 97 large suitcases and 36 large containers. In the containers there was said to be over 3 tons of pure gold bricks and in the cases over 80 billion dollars in large bills. The plane was also carrying a number of Hosni's closest friends and high ranking officials.
Can it be true? I've not heard anything yet on the news. Could it be a rumour to incite the protesters? Not sure. Time will tell.

Update: Seems Hosni may still be in Cairo but his son Jamal and wife fled to London. Think they'd better return the 80 billion dollars and gold ASAP with a sorry note. If that's true that they've stolen all that money and gold they deserve to spend the rest of their days in an Egyptian jail. Nice little 8.5 million pound (that's UK sterling not Egyptian)  townhouse in Knightsbridge can also be sold and proceeds returned to the people of Egypt. That would get them into the Guinness book of records for the largest amount ever stolen surely?

14/4/2011- Update # 2 :OD: Seems Hosni and Jamal are in Cairo handcuffed and expected to stand trial.

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