Since the company was founded in 1921, Gucci leather goods have been crafted by uniquely skilled artisans in Florence, Italy.
For Gucci’s 90th anniversary, the Artisan Corner brings the House’s talented craftsmen to Kuwait City, where they will showcase their techniques at custom-built workshops inside the Gucci store. As the artisans assemble a selection of iconic Gucci handbags, you will witness first-hand the meticulous attention to detail and superb craftsmanship involved in the production of every item in the Gucci leather goods collection.
For this special event, the hand-crafted products can be personalized with hand-embossed monogramming. The event will be held at the brand's boutique in 360 Mall and open to the public on Thursday May 19th from 10:00am to 10:00pm.
With thanks to confashionsfromkuwait blog. Read here for her review of the event [link].
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