A lifer expat mummy in Kuwait blogging on things to do in Kuwait for kids and adults, places to visit, fun and cultural events, general info, shopping bargains and interesting stuff. Email: LWDLIK@gmail.com
Tuesday, May 30, 2017
Inspirational Encounters
There are many inspirational stories out there and I love every one of them. As one grows older it seems that these are more than moments of inspiration but divine intervention, messages and directions.
Yesterday, I was nagging my teen to get on with her revision for exams and she was moaning and procrastinating about it all, especially how hard physics is. We had bought a sofa bed and so I was simultaneously battling with her and the logistics of getting the sofa in the lift. I went downstairs with hubby to take a look at the sofa as hubby was about to give up. One of our neighbours passed by and though we don't know each other well we always say hi and have a quick chat about the kids and weather. She was telling me how she and the family were emigrating to Canada and was showing me pics of the new home and telling me of her concerns. I invited her up for a coffee as we were standing chatting for so long downstairs and I felt sort of bad that my neighbour of seven years was now leaving for good and had never been in my home.
She is a lovely Kuwaiti lady of Iranian descent who teaches here in Kuwait. She knows my daughter from passing chats and was asking her about her exams. My daughter told her of her efforts and that she was a little worried about certain subjects. My neighbour shared her very inspiring story with us; at 6 years old she didn't know her colours and felt embarassed at being called 'dumb' at school but as she explained no one had taught her. As the years at school passed her school reports always read the same - needs to work harder, unable to grasp subjects, needs evaluating. Even her own sister admitted she thought she was 'retarded'. But that adversity became her chance to shine. Miss Dumb and Retarded went on to study physics at Exeter University and now holds a PhD in Physics. She is always careful how she words her explanations to her struggling pupils as she remembers only too well how very disheartening words and judgement can be.
My daughter and I were both really surprised and encouraged by her sharing her incredible story at such a timely moment. Thank you God, the universe and my kindly neighbour whom I don't recall the name of but will be making her something special and yummy to eat for Ramadan and sending it over before she relocates to Canada.
Inspiration and signs are everywhere. Be open and ready to gain the wisdom.
PS. Hubby managed to get the sofa in the lift, in place and looking great whilst I chatted with our inspirational neighbour, so a very good day all round.
Sunday, May 28, 2017
Saturday, May 27, 2017
Terrorism And Hatred Are Condemned In Islam... Bravo Zain It's A Great Initiative
Condemn those who seek to harm others before they do and educate the misguided. Happy Ramadan, peace and love to all.
Friday, May 26, 2017
My Sugar Addiction by Garry The Personal Trainer
The term “addiction” implies psychological dependence and thus is a mental or cognitive problem, not just a physical ailment. “Addiction” is often used synonymously with the term “dependence” OR ..
IF YOU WANT IT YOU GOTTA HAVE IT … But why do we have this addiction to sugar .
Like most ‘fitty’ types I have a cheat day every now and again, but I’m not like the average Jo as when my cheat meal comes along I have to be wise in my choices . I can have sweet potato on my cheat meal and I’ll be happy munching away, if someone ( my guardian/ keeper) is with me and shares a piece of cake with me or gets me 1 croissant I’ll be ok , no problem … but ….
If you take that guardian away from me and leave me to my own devilish devices I’ll go RAMPANT…
Something inside me says “go on have another” the little devil on my shoulder ties the angel up and controls me, I know I shouldn’t but I can’t help it , he makes me devour a massive M&S flapjack bucket in 5 minutes and then makes me inhale a 200g bar of chocolate and hazelnut … the pictures below show me when I fall off the wagon and the evil one takes over.. pic 1 is may 2015.. pic 2 is November 2015 ( it only took 9 weeks to become like this ) and pic 3 is when I eventually got my act together and stopped the sugar .

So the thing which makes us binge or constantly eat sweet sugary snacks, drinks, fruit juices, smoothie (the latter 2 is also to do with the fact that it’s been deemed as healthy, as if it’s healthy to have all the sugars from 5 fruits and blasted in a juicer or blender) and of course the cafe frappuccino with 2 squirts of caramel and cream, is not because we’re greedy and we just “want it”. It’s a chemical reaction which tells us we want it, we need it. The reward centre in the brain tells us these things, when the brain is constantly pounded with sugars the dopamine response is overwhelming and the brain likes it, some people’s brains (like mine like it a lot ) and it wants more, so we eat more and usually don’t stop till we’re feeling full or sick, or both. So to combat these CRAZY URGES TO BINGE I don’t eat the white deadly powder or anything that gives off that sweet taste on my own, I avoid it like the plague as as soon as I take a hit it goes straight to my senses and I lose all willpower . It’s not even a case of cutting down or changing the sweet source, honey, dates, sweeteners , they all have the same effect . The sweeteners because they just remind me of the taste and I’ll usually go out and find the real source . So now as a rule I only eat with someone who can have a tiny piece of cake and say”that’s enough” ( yes there are people out there) and in return I’ve managed to say no to an extra square as well.
#1 AVOID IT AT ALL COSTS .. don’t buy any, in fact, don’t even go down the biscuit isle .
#2 THROW ALL DEADLY WHITE STUFF AWAY (DWS) : yep go into the kitchen and bin everything, wear a gas mask if needed to avoid the sweet smell
#3 TAKE UP A HOBBY: Be active, do sport, any sport.
#4 TELL EVERYONE YOU’RE A SUGARHOLLIC: let everyone know that you can’t have any DWS. If they’re your true mates they’ll help you , and remind you anytime you look at a snickers.
I’ve just been in Pret a Manger and been offered a dark chocolate bar on the house, and as I explained to him that I write things on the evils of sugar and my addiction , he still tried to give it to me on the house … My Angel prevailed and I walked out .. happy. Dopamine reward sensor happy. Not because of the sugar but because of a natural high of saying no the the demons inside 

To read more https://sugarcleanz.wordpress.com/
LWDLIK - Thanks Garry I needed this pep talk. Starting day 1 of DWS purge.
Thursday, May 25, 2017
Wednesday, May 24, 2017
The Kuwait Towers Shows Support For Manchester
This had me in floods of tears. Your support and love is much appreciated. We love you Kuwait, thank you xxx Heartfelt condolences to those bereaved parents and loved ones. My heart aches for you. I hate Trump but his description of those maniacs as losers is spot on. I refuse to call them anything else. Disillusioned, impressionable, losers. You will never break us, we are solid.
Tuesday, May 23, 2017
I Love Kuwait. Just when I think I've had enough you woo me back with your vibrancy, passion, bravery and hope.
![]() |
by Eildh Middleten |
Behold. It's not me, it's you.
Look if you want to, look away if you don't.
I am creation, I am perfection.
I'm not part, I'm whole.
I will not be named, shamed, maimed anymore.
I am neither your territory nor your whore.
I am woman to the core.
Hear me wail and hear me roar.
I am my own defender.
My only guardian is the lock on my door. It's key is in me.
It's not me, it's you.
Shield your own skin.
Mine longs to feel the sun burn.
Shield your thoughts that meander and yearn.
I will not be prey to your predatory ways.
It's not me, it's you.
Avert your eyes if my curves offend you,
if my skin perturbs you,
if my softness hardens you,
if my hardness softens you.
Avert your eyes it's not me, it's you.
if my skin perturbs you,
if my softness hardens you,
if my hardness softens you.
Avert your eyes it's not me, it's you.
A lovely morning viewing some really good artwork at The Hub Gallery formerly FA Gallery. An inspiring, thoughtful and provocative exhibit... I loved it.
Going away from the gallery but with regards to the restoring of my faith; a few days ago we took one of the family's maids to emergency at Al Sabah. She had severe headache, passed out, vomited and was incoherent for a few hours. Initially, we were told sinusitus, then not, then referred to triage again for checks. Our patient was in a wheelchair and we were worried it might be a stroke. The lady porter with us was brilliant and stayed with us, taking us to the front of the queues, sorting our papers and taking us around and up and down. Whilst we were waiting in triage, to see the fourth doctor that day, an Arabic hijabed woman (I don't want to say for sure which nationality as it's hard to tell sometimes) speaking with a Kuwaiti accent yelled at our porter to get her a wheelchair for her companion. The porter with us told her that she was busy with us to which the nasty woman screamed and pushed the porter yelling yalla go get me a wheelchair now and then pushed past her shouting get out of my way. Okay patience blown. I yelled back at this rude woman to behave herself and shame on her for talking and behaving like that. She told me she wasn't talking to me, I told her that I don't care I was talking to her. She said it's not my business, I told her I'm making it my business. By now everyone could hear us and we had quite an audience, I was thinking that security might come and throw us both out but no, she left and we carried on waiting.
I took a seat next to a woman wearing niqab who kindly asked me if I was okay. I said I was and apologised for my outburst at the horrible rude woman. She was horrified by the woman's rude behaviour. We starting chatting and exchanged stories. She had brought her maid in that had been with them only a week and sat and waited with her for hours until we left.
I thank this lovely niqabed lady for making me realise the yin and yang of life.
Our maid is fine. CT scan shows inflammation of the sinuses and with medication she is already feeling better.
Tuesday, May 16, 2017
Monday, May 15, 2017
One With Earth Workshop for Kids
'One With Earth' workshop has been designed by a small team of environmental scientists, educators, activists and artists to dissect the factors harming our environment today. The areas of land, air and water pollution, as well as waste management and recycling will be investigated using scientific methods which engage students' critical thinking skills. Students will work together at the end of each class to create reusable and upcycled art to provide presentations on what they've discovered in their learning.
The workshop targets 4-12 year olds, inviting parents to join in, and aims to promote analytical skills, teamwork, public speaking, and environmental awareness. The ultimate goal is to help nurture a green mindset for our future.
Proceeds from the class will be used to promote a local recycling campaign.
Register at www.manifesto13.com
Sunday, May 14, 2017
Review: Beauty And The Beast The Musical
Wow! I am a huge fan of Staged In Kuwait Productions but this one was phenomenal, truly fantastic! Everything from the stage decoration, costumes, wigs, make up, amusing magical tea cup boy, the acting and the truly incredible singing made a fabulous show. I would say their best ever and I've seen some excellent SIK musicals but this was really first class. I have nothing but praise for this band of merry volunteers who give up their time and almost literally break legs every performance with their energetic, all out performance.
Tim, you are a supreme being who's creativity and artistic vision knows no bounds I can not believe how lucky we are to have you and all these wonderful, talented, extraordinary people in Kuwait. You made our week. Thank you.
I really hope Staged In Kuwait find much needed sponsorship/funding and a new location because to lose this calibre of theatre would be truly heartbreaking.
Oh, and while we are on the subject of how amazing Tim Wadell is, how about an MBE for his 21 years of artistic service to the community in Kuwait. Kuwait would not be the same without him.
If you haven't seen the show then don't worry due to it's huge popularity SIK are putting on one more show on Friday 19th May at 2.30pm and tickets are still available at http://stagedinkuwait.com/book-now/. I promise you that you will love it.
It's an 11/10 from me.
Thursday, May 11, 2017
Wednesday, May 10, 2017
Last Chance To Be Part Of The Proteges Generation Seven
Kuwait - Berlin - Prague
This Friday (May 12th 2017) is the last day of registration for The Proteges Generation 7
To Register
We want to achieve a perfect formula to integrate knowledge and life experiences and stimulate the minds of the new generation to bring about a better tomorrow. We are accumulating the combined knowledge and expertise of all our mentors in an effort to refine the students and deliver them the right message.What most people consider ‘free-time’, we consider an opportunity, a precious chance to utilize that time and transform it into a learning opportunity for our participants, wherein every moment can be taken advantage of to learn, interact, and deliver.Tell your story. Use catchy text, bullets, links and more to bring your words to life.
The Proteges will take you to an extraordinary life experience that combines fun, work, wisdom and personality development. Simply put, The Proteges will open your eyes to a new world that you always craved. This 6-weeks program will give you the chance to experience:
- Unique outdoor activities
- Seminars
- Workshops
- Developing business ideas allowing you to start your own business
- Games, group interactions and activities to enable hands on learning
- Trip abroad
- Unlimited fun
Monday, May 8, 2017
Sunday, May 7, 2017
One Roof - The Campaign to Raise Awareness About Domestic Workers Rights
Volunteers needed.
You can either submit a request directly to them at http://sws.org.kw/get-involved/ or you can email me at LWDLIK@gmail.com.
Thank you.
Saturday, May 6, 2017
Friday, May 5, 2017
My Simply Delicious Tirimisu Ice Cream Cake
A huge hit and I will take all the credit although I've never been one for complicated, time consuming recipes.
Chocolate cake mix
3 eggs
1/3 cup oil
1/2 cup of water
400 gm dark Seedawi chocolate
1 and a 1/2 tubs of KDD Dolce Vita Tirimisu Ice Cream
Use a large round springform pan and make the chocolate cake mix as per instructions but use half the water required (this will give you more of a brownie base rather than a sponge one). Once baked use a clean tea cloth over the top to gently press down the dome until you have a flatter topped brownie base. Let cool on a rack at least an hour or until cold to touch.
Heat 3/4 cup of full cream milk in saucepan until almost boiling. Remove from heat. Add in 250 gm of chopped, dark chocolate and stir. You have your chocolate sauce. Let it cool down.
Remove ice cream from freezer leave outside until a little soft.
Now we assemble; Put the brownie base back into the round springform tin and lock it, poke holes in the brownie base - I use the end of a chopstick. Pour over half of the chocolate sauce to sink into holes. Take your softened ice cream and spread over the base. Top with the rest of the chocolate sauce. Place back in freezer. Voila!
To remove, take from freezer to soften for 5-10 minutes then use a knife to loosen around the edges. Undo the springform tin and remove.
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