Athoob Al-Shuaibi
39, Married, Journalist (2015)
“A Kuwaiti woman is lost between an overwhelming social responsibility and the building of her career. Women are equal to men in our constitution. However, laws and regulations don’t correspond with what came in the constitution articles.”
“A Kuwaiti woman is lost between an overwhelming social responsibility and the building of her career. Women are equal to men in our constitution. However, laws and regulations don’t correspond with what came in the constitution articles.”

Djinane Alsuwayeh
29, Single, art director and photographer (2015)
“Woman are not equal to men… You see it everyday in the way kids are being raised, at work and in conversations. I don’t consider myself a Kuwaiti woman, as I have a whole other half in my blood. I can tell you how it feels to be me; love in the soul.”
“Woman are not equal to men… You see it everyday in the way kids are being raised, at work and in conversations. I don’t consider myself a Kuwaiti woman, as I have a whole other half in my blood. I can tell you how it feels to be me; love in the soul.”

Sharifah Al Falah
39, Married, Information and Marketing officer in Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research (2015)
“Women are equal to men in Kuwait, they go head to head in education, political rights and professions.”
“Women are equal to men in Kuwait, they go head to head in education, political rights and professions.”
And more [link]
LWDLK - I love the rawness and realness of almost all of the photos and statements. I love that Kuwaiti women are bold and empowered. Here's a peek at their inner sanctums without designer handbag and trimmings.