Monday, September 27, 2010

Air Quality in Kuwait

I'm curious if anyone knows of any studies on the air quality here in Kuwait. The past two days have been hot, humid and what looks like dust in the air. I've noticed I get lethargic and cotton wool headed on these days and not any amount of coffee shifts it. It seems I'm not alone, many of my friends suffer too.
I've tried googling and there was only mention of a localised study in Um Haiman due to industrial pollution but nothing else.
I did hear that the oxygen levels are low during these weather conditions and that's what we're suffering from, a bit like altitude sickness.
Would like to know if anyone else has a theory or facts on the matter.



    If we can't control the weather outside, we can try to improve it indoors

  2. Thanx Anonymous. Love it! Will post it for the people :O)

  3. Acid rain.....

  4. Yeah Anon I think it must be :O(


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