A lifer expat mummy in Kuwait blogging on things to do in Kuwait for kids and adults, places to visit, fun and cultural events, general info, shopping bargains and interesting stuff. Email: LWDLIK@gmail.com
Monday, December 31, 2012
Looking for Something to do on New Year's Eve in Kuwait..
Go check www.grapevinekuwait.com or quickly get on the phone and get yourself an invite to a private party... there's not much in between I'm afraid.
‘Wadjda’ – A Saudi Girl & Her Green Bicycle
The battle for Saudi women to drive (and also take part in the Olympics) may have hit the headlines in 2012 but there are a million little battles fought by Saudi women everyday. The new and award-winning film ‘Wadjda’ by Saudi filmmaker Haifaa Al Mansour charts a young girl’s wish to ride a green bicycle and race with a boy in her neighbourhood. Al Mansour says the film aims to put a human face on the issues in Saudi Arabia and charts the struggles of ordinary people who have to manoeuvre through the conservative society of the Kingdom.
“The Saudi culture can be especially brutal and unforgiving to people who fall out of step with the society, so there is a real fear of being labeled an outcast,” explains Al Mansour, who is the first female filmmaker in Saudi Arabia. “So in some ways, the story is part of my life and the things I encountered in my life. A lot of my experiences, along with those of my friends and family, are reflected in the film in some way – they didn’t just come from a concept in my mind.”
‘Wadjda’, which won the best Arabic feature film at the Dubai Film Festival, is the first full-length feature ever filmed entirely inside the Kingdom. The film lead, Wadjda, is desperate to buy a green bike at her local shop but her mother won’t allow it, fearing repercussion from a society that sees bicycles as dangerous to a girl’s virtue. So Wadjda decides to try and raise the money herself.
“I come from a small town in Saudi Arabia where there are many girls like Wadjda who have big dreams, strong characters and so much potential. These girls can, and will, reshape and redefine our nation,” insists Al Mansour. The filmmaker also explained that it was important for her to work with all-Saudi cast of actors and to tell the story with local, authentic voices. “I hope the film offers a unique insight into my own country and speaks of universal themes of hope and perseverance that people of all cultures can relate to,” she added.
Sunday, December 30, 2012
The Gift of Friendship for Christmas..
What a lovely day we had with great friends. Which is really what Christmas is all about. Being with people you actually want to be with. As opposed to a hotel restaurant in Goa. My BFF had just had surgery to have a kidney and tumour removed and was adamant that she would still have Christmas lunch at hers - against all our advice. But she is a trooper and we Brits are cut from a different cloth LOL - a tad mad perhaps. She got her way, she does most times. So Miss Thang here stepped up and into the kitchen to cook the lunch under madam's remote supervision. Our recovering hostess did look splendid in her Santa PJs, I wore the obligatory elf's hat (and other clothing of course) followed closely by paper crowns on the other guests at lunch. We all joked at how we should have all dressed in festive PJs but the reality is we are so lucky to have such great friends who through trauma, pain and suffering still manage a killer smile and offer gracious hospitality. A fab day had by all. Love u babe x
And the downside - The large Jelly Tots tube pictured below was a gift to my precious daughter and I thought I'd have 1 or 2.... finished the whole tube so if anyone out there knows where I can buy a replacement please let me know before she realises. I just couldn't stop myself...
And the downside - The large Jelly Tots tube pictured below was a gift to my precious daughter and I thought I'd have 1 or 2.... finished the whole tube so if anyone out there knows where I can buy a replacement please let me know before she realises. I just couldn't stop myself...
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C'est moi :O) |
Friday, December 28, 2012
Comedy at Live Theater with The IMPROVengers
Coming January 17th & 18th 2013 to Kuwait, and appearing at the Live Theater, Discovery Mall, an evening of off the wall, unscripted comedy from Kuwait’s first Improv troupe, The IMPROVengers.
Tickets for the event can be booked below, exclusively through StagedinKuwait.
In the traditions of Whose Line Is It Anyway, The IMPROVengers take on the Improv Olympics in “Battle of the IMPROVengers”, a show that you get to control. It’s like having your own comedians on a remote.
(Please note: This show is not suitable for children)
LWDLIK - Now this should be a great evening.
Contemporary Art Platform presents..
Free workshop for public, organized by CAP and led by the French Artist Vincent Abadie Hafez. This workshop will take a place in CAP’s warehouse and also CAP exhibition space, both indoor and outdoor. It is an open call for professional artists, beginners, students, graffiti and calligraphy lovers from all ages to express themselves and reveal their feelings, passions, ambitions and wishes with the beginning of 2013.
The workshop will be divided into two levels:
Level one: "You, a Wall and Some Colors"
Targeting only the artists, each artist will be having his own wall (250 x 100 cm) to freely write, draw or do his own art.The artworks will remain for a period of 2 months at the warehouse outdoor area, as a collective exhibition open for public. Artists should register to participate in this workshop and create a body of work from 28th of December 2012 till 8th of January 2013.
Places are limited for 15 artists only.
Artists can send their details by email to: Ayah@capkuwait.com
Level Two: "Palimpsest Participation - in/outdoor":
Open for public, students, and beginners, to join us from the date of 10th of January 2013 at CAP warehouse or CAP exhibition space where permanent and movable walls will be located for them to draw or write whatever they feel like. This workshop will mainly focus on writings and letters that will be covered at later stage with a plain colors/ medium to be rubbed and peeled by them or different visitors, to discover a final result and a new abstract work that will be created out of spontaneous action.
CAP will be providing all the equipment and materials needed for this workshop.
Schools and parents can contact Dima Quttaineh to organize a special tours for them on this email : info@capkuwait.com
About Vincent Abadie Hafez :
Vincent Hafez, Born in 1977, lives and works in Paris. Studied graphic art and since by the late 80’s he became a graphic artist, he has been strongly involved in the visual culture of street art. The work of Vincent Hafez is the result of interbreeding, the influence of several cultures.
He approaches public spaces by grabbing the attention of public in developing a graphic and visual language based on free movements figuration,the spontaneity of the lyrical abstraction and finally taking risks of random graffiti. His calligraffiti has been marked many walls around the world, also he exhibited internationally and led many art workshops in different countries as well as taking part in many group exhibitions.
Vincent Abadie Hafez will be present to talk more about his workshop and meet the participating artists at CAP on the 9th of January at 6:00 pm. (before the film screening)
Reminder : Upcoming Film Screening :
Date: Wednesday, 9/1/2013
Time: 7:00pm
Artist: Tadashi Kawamata
Title: Works In Progress, 52 mins
Director: Tadashi Kawamata
About the film: Documentary approaches of Tadashi Kawamata's works together with unreleased films produced by the artist. A self-retrospective of the work told by the Japanese artist Tadashi Kawamata.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012
Omniaty Kids Run
Let’s support children with terminal illnesses and enjoy a day full of fun activities by participating in “Omniaty” Kids Marathon on 9 February 2013 at the Marina Crescent. You can register through IKEA Kids Club, participation and registration fees for only 1 KD. Kindly visit “Omniaty” website http://www.omniaty.com/ for more details about the Marathon and ‘Omniaty’
Monday, December 24, 2012
RIP Dr Jaber Samir Yousif
My heart goes out to the family and friends of this young man. He was in the prime of his life only to have it cruelly taken by thugs at Avenues Mall. Some people were very disturbed by the horrifically graphic photo on the front page of the Arab Times but we must, sometimes, be shocked into realism. And the realism is that there are many underlying problems in the country that must no longer be ignored.
The main suspect, who has been arrested, is a young 22 year old Bedoon man who allegedly stabbed the victim several times.
Very sad indeed.
Am I the only one who sees an alarming increase in serious crime here? I mean, we all say it's safe here but there really are areas that I would NEVER drive in, I would NEVER get in to an argument with these young irritating youths who roam around causing damage and creating a sense of terror among the Asian workers (okay I have done this but I really try not to). Even yelling back at the mad women drivers is a no-no (I do this a little bit too but really shouldn't) because they are likely to call up there nasty brothers to smack you around a bit or smash up your car.
No, I don't feel so safe anymore. But I do feel a sense of lawlessness, helplessness and frustration.
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Thursday, December 13, 2012
Fantasy World Toy Store Competition on Facebook
Cameras at the ready! Contest starts now! Take a photo of you or your child with your favourite toy in any Fantasy World store, e-mail it to events@fantasyworldtoys.com together with your name, mobile and facebook name for us to approve and upload. The top 3 pictures with most likes and shares at the end of the contest will win KD 100, KD 75 & KD 50 Gift Vouchers (respectively) . Contest ends at 11pm on 1st January 2013.
Check Notes page (http://on.fb.me/SOO28f) for full Terms & Conditions.
Some Holiday Fun and a Prize from Crowne Plaza
Holiday Surprise!
Find this hidden ornament in one of the 7 trees in Crowne Plaza Kuwait.
Take your picture with the tree, upload it on Instagram and mention @CrownePlazaKWT
Win a dinner for 2 at the Al Ahmadi International Buffet.
Note: This contest is not applicable to Crowne Plaza Kuwait Employees.
First Feral Cat Spay and Neuter Clinic at K'S PATH
K'S PATH are extremely happy to announce their first Feral Cat Spay and Neuter Clinic to be held on Saturday December 22nd. This is an opportunity for you to bring in the street cats you feed to be sterilized and vaccinated for 10KD per cat. All cats have to be dropped off between 8am and 9am and collected between 4pm and 5 pm. If you would like to schedule a cat or cats please e-mail info@kspath.org with the number of cats you would like to bring and their genders. Please let us know if you have any questions. www.kspath.org
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Not To Be Missed: Kuwait's Only Christmas Pantomime - Jack and the Beanstalk Opens Tonight at 7.45PM
It’s the perfect start to the festive season, an hilarious night of traditional panto fun with lots of slapstick comedy, great music, colour and spectacle. Don’t miss out! Mark the dates on your calendar now and get ready to book through the link on the photo above.
Performances are Tuesday 11th - Saturday 15th December 2012 at The Performing Arts Centre, The English School, Salmiya. Evening shows start at 7.45pm with 3pm matinees on Friday 14th and Saturday 15th. Almost all seats are sold for the matinees but there are seats available for the evening shows and seeing as exams are over, and holidays just around the corner, bring the kids along to an evening performance.
LWDLIK - It's going to be great! I've got only 23 tickets...Oh yes I do....Fabulous fun for all the family...Oh yes it is...:O) My precious princess will be appearing in the show :O) She has wanted to do panto since she first saw them at 3 years old. Have seen them rehearsing for this one and it is going to be absolutely fantastic. Big thank you to all the SIK cast, crew and magnificent director, Tim Waddell, who all give up a huge amount of their time to work really, really, really hard to entertain us.
Break a leg people xxx
Break a leg people xxx
Sunday, December 9, 2012
Anyone Else Worried About Mishref Co-Op Multi-Storey Car Park?
A friend's husband (who knows his stuff) went there the other day and noticed they have "supported" the upper level of the multi-storey car park by placing struts on the lower level. Essentially this means there is a weight overload on the whole structure and that it is unsafe. The lower level should be closed if this is the case but it is still open. My friend's husband reckons it's an accident waiting to happen.
Fashion Designing Course at BAIA
BAIA the British Academy of International Arts
BAIA Box Office
Salwa Block 1, Street 1, Villa 32
PO Box 26922, Safat 13130 Kuwait
Salwa Block 1, Street 1, Villa 32
PO Box 26922, Safat 13130 Kuwait
Telephone: 2562 3604 Extension 151
Marja's Office Hours are:
Saturday 08.00-13.00
Sunday 07.30-11.30
Monday 07.30-11.30
Tuesday 07.30-11.30
Wednesday 07.30-11.30
Jerry the Elf Advent Calendar
Have been following my friend Paula's elf friend, Jerry, and his escapades on FB and Instagram @paulapapac. Everyday her son wakes up to find out what Jerry's been up to the previous night.
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Day 10 Jerry got carried away by the guys from WWE... think one of them is Barbie's boyfriend |
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Day 9 Jerry got dressed up and went on a date with Barbie...naughty Jerry |
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Day 8 Jerry made a "snow" angel |
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Day 7 Jerry caught up with his shoemaking cousins |
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Day 6 Jerry tried zip-lining from the Christmas tree! |
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Day 5 A spot of fishing |
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Day 4 Elf antics...now its war! |
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Day 3 Jerry is a grafitti artist! |
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Day 2 Jerry took a bath whilst we slept |
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Day 1 Gabriel wakes up to find Jerry had fun during the night.... apparently Elves have a sweet tooth :-) |
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Another Tragic Dog Poisoning - Information For Pet Owners
Snail Bait Toxicity
Key Points
Unfortunately, snail bait generally comes in pellets which may mimic dog food and it is flavored which may entice consumption. A small dose of this poison can elicit toxic effects on your pet.
Once it is known or suspected that your pet has consumed snail bait it is imperative that the animal be brought to a veterinarian as soon as possible.
What is it?
Snail bait toxicity is a relatively common poisoning, It is more likely at this time of year as the weather gets wetter and gardeners want to protect their gardens from slug and snail attack. It may be commonly used by those who actively garden. However, there may be malicious intent since very little needs to be ingested to cause toxic effects (less than 1 teaspoon per 5kgs body weight). Unfortunately, snail bait generally comes in pellets which may mimic dog food and it is generally flavored which may entice consumption. It is essential that your veterinarian obtain specific information about possible exposure to this toxin since very little is required to elicit toxic effects. The following are some examples of snail bait:
Clinical Signs
Many of the signs that will be exhibited by your pet will be neurologic in nature and will generally begin within 1 to 4 hours of ingestion of the aforementioned toxin. Some of these will include anxiety where your pet appears overly anxious and easily excitable. Another sign maybe a weakness and wobbliness, which would appear as an uncoordinated movement when walking. Tremors and muscle twitching may also be observed where there is unintentional shaking.
Some other signs may include an increase in heart rate and salivation with the possibility of vomiting and diarrhea.
When examining the eyes one may appreciate an enlargement of the pupils (mydriasis) and in cats a nystagmus (twitching eyeball movement - either horizontally or vertically) may also occur. As time lapses after initial ingestion without appropriate therapy, your pet may also develop a fever, loss of consciousness, decreased respiration, seizures and death. It is imperative that you have your pet examined by a veterinarian if there is a history of snail bait ingestion or if he/she develops these signs.
It is possible to detect metaldehyde (the toxic substance in snail bait) in urine, plasma, stomach contents, and tissue samples, however it is imperative that therapy be instituted before obtaining the results of these tests due to the time it takes to receive the test results.
What to do if your pet consumes snail bait?
Once it is known or suspected that your pet has consumed snail bait it is imperative that the animal be brought to a veterinarian as soon as possible .However, in transit some life saving tips are to remove the source of toxicity from your pet, and you should induce vomiting through the following method: 3% hydrogen peroxide at a dose of 0.5ml/lb orally (maximum dose of 2 tablespoons). Note that 15 ml = 1 tablespoon. It is not imperative that an exact weight be known, an approximation is sufficient. If this does not cause vomiting within 15 minutes of administration then give 3% hydrogen peroxide a second time at a dose of 0.25 ml/lb. Bring the package of snail bait to the veterinarian if possible
What to expect once at our hospital?
If your pet has not vomited prior to admission or has not vomited substantially vomiting will be induced through other methods. Xylazine may be used in cats. In some cases, the stomach may be pumped by your veterinarian (gastric lavage).
In an attempt to slow absorption and bind the toxins that were ingested, activated charcoal is a standard therapy used. If there are seizures and/or muscle tremors present sedation may be needed. Intravenous fluids are usually administered to the pet to help flush out the poison. This is generally continued for at least 24 hours post ingestion and may continue longer depending on the status of your animal. It is best advised to hospitalize your pet for supportive care and monitor for further development of signs.
Aftercare (Care at Home)
There are generally no medications that go home after hospitalization unless there are other concurrent health issues diagnosed.
The prognosis for metaldehyde toxicity is largely contingent on the amount ingested and the severity of clinical sign present (largely determine by the time lapse between ingestion and treatment). However, the prognosis generally given is fair to guarded. The quicker your pet is seen after exposure the better the prognosis. So, if there is question of poisoning get your pet to a veterinary hospital quickly.
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Dear sweet Praizo fell victim, just recently, after ingesting this poison. |
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