Sunday, October 28, 2018

French Appetizers Cooking Class at Kitchen Story

An informal, tasty and appetizer for all occasions in French style!

It's a great way to have friends over and not feel the pressure to plan a big gourmet menu with formal sit down dinner.

We will prepare some appetizers and drinks together and we will be shown some ideas how to design table.

1-  Verrine betteraves et fromage ail et fines herbes (beetroot and garlic and herb cheese mousse)

2- Bouchées de patates douces et avocat (mini muffins sweet potato and avocado)

3- Feta grillée au sésame et au miel (grilled feta cheese with honey and sesame)

4- Bouchées au poireau et saumon fumé ( mini muffins leek and smoked salmon)

5- Feuilletés aux champignons, oignons caramélisés et gruyère ( Gruyère, mushroom and caramelized onion bites)

6- Bouchées chèvre frais et courgette (mini muffins courgettes and goat's cheese)

dips: - Tapenade courgette et coriandre (courgette and coriander puree(?)) - Anchoiade ( anchovie paste) -Aioli (garlic mayonnaise) - Poivronade (red pepper and feta cheese puree)

and then: Bâtonnets de fromage croustillants (cheese breadsticks) 
November 3 
From 10-2pm
DM @kitchenstorykuwait
Mob 97534242
Reservations [link]

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