What do zero, a giraffe, and alcohol have in common? Not much,
other than all these words originate from Arabic, and are part of the huge
heritage of language and knowledge that Europe has absorbed from the Arabs over
the centuries.
Ebony is a dark brown wood that’s long been cherished for its decorative
purposes. While the tree native to Sri Lank and southern india, the word entered
English from Spanish word abenuz which derives from arab influences in the
Iberian Peninsula. the arabic name of the wood is abanus.
Because of their habit in eating limes to prevent scurvy during long sea
voyages of the 18th Century, the British were commonly called ‘limeys’. But lime
itself derives from the Arabic lumi meaning any tree in the citrus family that
bears fruit.
As an element used in cleaning agents, borax was highly valued by those who
dabbled in the sciences of medicine and chemistry in the 18th Century. It was
also used in metal crafting and furnaces. Its application was adopted from Arab
chemists who were familiar with the Arabic buraq salts.
The oil of the Sandalwood tree is commonly used for traditional medicines and
the wood is deep in yellow colour. It also offers a heavy wood scent favoured in
the making of perfumes. The name of the tree derives from the Arabic sandal and
imported from the Western Ghats of India.
In today’s English, gala means a glittering affair where the guests appear in
their best clothes to honour a person or cause. The English derives from the
Spanish word gala, meaning fine clothing worn on special occasions. But the word
gala is a derivation of the Arabic word khila, an honorary vestment or a fine
garment given as a presentation.
For French gentlemen in the 16th Century, mohair clothing was considered both
fashionable and desirable. Its first recorded use in English is in around 1570,
referring to finely tailored suits of goat hair. It’s a derivation of the Arabic
word al mokhayyar meaning chosen.
In transport terms, tare refers to the empty weight of a commercial vehicle
or the weight of an empty container used for shipping. The word derives from the
Spanish, tara, itself introduced into the Iberian peninsula from the Arabic al
taraha, something which is thrown away, the root word of which is tarah, to
A minaret is a tall slender tower, most usually attached to a mosque, where a
mu’thin calls Muslims to prayer. it entered English through the Iberian
Peninsula and derives from the Arabic manar, meaning a lighthouse, or a tower
that holds fire, with nar being the Arabic word for fire.
Genie refers to a magical spirit that, in common culture, resides in a bottle
and has the power to grant wishes when freed. it entered English folklore
through tales of travelers to the Mideast in the 17th Century, deriving from the
arabic word jinni.
Mizzen is a second mast behind a ship’s main mast. Some dictionaries claim it
is from Latin medianus meaning median, but it is more likely that it comes via
Italian from the Arabic mizan meaning balance since the mizzen is a sail that
An almanac is an annual calendar based on astrological movements and a record
of times past, often used by farmers and seafarers in relation to planting of
crops and maritime conditions respectively. It derives from the Arabic word
al-manakh, referring to climate-related activities.
The herb tarragon is closely associated with the flavours of Meditteranean
cuisine, most usually along the coastlines of Spain and France. It derives from
the Arabic word tarkhun, referring to the plant.
This form of decorative body art is most commonly applied to the hands. It
first appears in English in the 15th and early 16th Centuries as traders came in
contact with the practice during their travels. alkanet is a reddish dye made
from the roots of the alcanna plant meaning both "alkanet" and "henna", from
arabic al hinna.
Soda first appears in Italian and then English languages in the 11th Century
in reference to the saltwort plant which is burnt to make soda ash, a component
of glass manufacturing. it derives from the arabic suwwaad or
Long has Hollywood made use of mummies to scare intrepid explorers as they
travelled through Egypt and the Middle East. But the word itself refers to the
arabic mumiya, meaning both a bitumenlike substance used in embalming, and the
process itself. in Western usage, it’s regard as the drying out of
One of the formative books in medieval learning was the Canon of Medicine,
comiled in five volumes and completed in 1025 as Al Qanun by Ibn Sina. The
English word Canon – meaning set of rules or laws, directly derives from the
arabic Al Qanun– law or principles.
To inspect and remove refuse from spice, which comes from the Arabic
gharbala, to sieve or sift; which in turn may have come from the Lation
cribellare which means to sieve.
Arrakis is the old name for a star in the constellation Draco now called Mu
Draconis. The name comes from the Arabic al raqis, meaning "the dancer". Frank
Herbert adopted the name for the site for his famous Dune science fiction
Algol is a large star in the constellation Perseus. the name comes from the
arabic ras al ghul, meaning head (ras) of the demon (ghul) as the Greek hero
Perseus killed the monster Medusa and the star is the eye of Medusa's head.
Guadalquivir is Spain’s second longest river, whose name is derived from
arabic al wadi al kabir meaning “the Big Valley". the river was the site of the
Battle of Baylen when Wellington’s Spanish allies defeated napoleon’s
Algarve is a region in southern Portugal where millions go to holiday or
retire. its position on the far west of the medieval Muslim on the atlantic
coast explains its root, since it comes from al gharb, arabic for the
Racket is the strung bat with which you play tennis or squash, but the game
called rackets is played with only a glove and you hit the ball with the palm of
your hand, which is the origin of the word since raha is arabic for
El Cid is the nickname of Rodrigo Diaz de Vivar (1043-1099), the national
hero of Spain. He was a notable leader in battle who helped expand the Christian
territories against the Muslims. His nickname El Cid came from El Sayyid, Arabic
for the Lord, although the Spaniards called him El Campeador (the
Drub is to hit or beat something, and comes directly from the arabic darabto
hit or strike something. it seems to have come into English in the 1600s with a
reference to the punishment of bastinado, canning the soles of someone’s
Tarboush is the upright red hat worn by all Syrian and Egyptian gentlemen in
the 1800s and early 1900s. However, this Arabic word of the Ottoman era has
common roots with the word sarpush, derived from the Persian sar (head) and push
Tariff is the duty payable, or a bill of fare. It comes from the Italian
tariffa, which in turn comes from the Arabic ta’rifa from arraf, to notify. The
Arabic word was used in late medieval times for an inventory on a merchant ship.
Alidade is a modern surveyor's sighting device or pointer for determining
directions or measuring angles. The word came into medieval Lation in the late
1400s from the Arabic al idada, which means an upper arm, but also means
a pivoting arm.
Attar is a fragrant essential oil normally made from roses. The word entered
English word from India in the late 1700s but originally it came from the Arabic
word itr, which means perfume or aroma.
The plant is widespread throughout fertile areas of south east Asia. For
millennia it has been used in the preparation of salads or as a feed source for
cattle and goats. The word itself is considered to derive from the Arabic word
al fasfasa– a green fodder fed to animals.
Alhambra is in Grenada, Spain, constructed first in 899 as a fortress and
later converted into a royal palace in 1333 by Yousef 1, Sultan of Grenada.
alhambra derives from the arabic al hamra, meaning “the red” as in the
red-colour stones used in its original construction.
Historically, camise referred to jackets of various kinds. In modern usage a
camisole or camise is a loose-fitting sleeveless woman's undergarment which
covers the top part of the body. it entered English from old French, inspired by
the arabic kameis, meaning shirt.
First introduced into English in the middle of the 13th century, the word
"rice" derives from the old French ris, itself a derivative of the Arabic word
roz. In Arab cuisine, rice is an ingredient of many soups and dishes with types
of meat.
Pistachio nuts take their name from the Spanish alfóstigo, which in turn is
based on the arabic fustuq which means pistachio. in transmission, the arabic
‘f’ hardened into a ‘p’, and he 'q' softened into a ‘ch’. Fustik is a dye with
the same linguistic roots as fustuqi.
Tabby is a striped cat with a brindled coat. But this common usage of the
word tabby comes from its original meaning in the garment industry to describe a
watered silk fabric. English took it from attabi for silk which came from
Attabiyah, a quarter of Baghdad where the silk was made.
Sherbet is one of three words that are based on the arabic word, sharab,
meaning ‘drink’. Sherbet means a fruit flavoured fizzy drking, Syrup is normally
a thickened sweet drink, and Sorbet is a fruit flavoured ice pudding. they came
to English direct from Arabic.
Swahili is a language used on the coast of East africa from Dar E Salam all
the way to Somalia. the language is a mix of Bantu and arabic and about one
third of its vocabulary is based on arabic. the word Swahili comes from sawahil,
meaning coasts, which is the plural of sahil, coast.
Serendipity comes from Serendip, the Arabic name for Sri Lanka where people
are famously happy. It was introduced by Horace Walpole in 1754 in his fairy
tale The Three Princes of Serendip. The Arabic name was taken from the Sanskrit
name for Sri Lanka: Suvarnadweep
Mufti is used in English to describe casual clothes by people out of uniform.
the word came into English via the British army in the 1800s, when off-duty
officers wore Eastern style dressing gowns and tasseled caps, which looked like
those worn by a mufti, an islamic legal scholar.
Describes a dry fibrous back-scrubber used in the bath. the word came into
English in 1706 as a botanical description of the luffa plant, which produced a
large marrow-like fruit with a fibrous skeleton, which was dried. in the 1800s
it became the loofah, used by bathers.
As you dig into your honey jar, it is bizarre to know that such a common
English word comes from the Arabic jarra, which means a large earthenware
container made of pottery. The first records in English come from 1418 and 1421
for olive oil containers.
Sash is the strip of cloth worn over one shoulder. it comes from the arabic
shash, meaning a ribbon of gauze or textile which was wrapped around a head to
form a turban, usually made of muslin. in modern arabic shash means gauze or
Ream is a measure of a quantity of sheets of paper. it comes from the arabic
rizma, meaning bale or bundle, and the word arrived with the introduction of
paper itself from the arab world in the 1100s and 1200s.
Azure is a brilliant blue, and has the same root as Lazurite, a rock with a
bright blue colour. The Arabic word, lazward, covering both the rock and colour
came from Lajward, which was the name of the site of a huge deposit in
Average comes from the arabic awar, meaning ‘defect or anything damaged’ that
was imported into italian in the 1100s as ‘avaria’ which referred to ‘damage or
loss during a merchant sea voyage’. in time this moved into French as ‘averie’,
and in 1491 was used in English as ‘averay’.
Algorithm: The word comes directly from the name of the Arab mathematician,
Mohammad Musa Al Khwarizmi, who worked in Baghdad in the 800s. It came into
Medieval Latin with a much wider meaning before it became algorismus in the
Alkali comes from the Arabic word Al Qali, which was made up of sodium
carbonate and potassium carbonate used to make soap and glass. Al Jawhari wrote
around 1000 that Al Qali is obtained from glassworts.
Assassin comes from Arabic word, Al Hashashoon , meaning a hashish eater.
This refers back to the Crusades in the 1200s when the leader of the Nizari
branch, who ruled northern Persia, would send followers on targeted killing
missions with the drug.
Camel appears to be a direct transliteration of the arabic jamal, pronounced
in some arabic dialects with a hard G, which brings it even closer to the
English word camel. However, the word first came through the Greek kamelos, and
then Latin camelus to English.
Iodine is a chemical element with a deep purple colour and antiseptic
qualities, which draws its name from its arabic name, Youd , although some refer
the root back to the Greek word, iodes, which means violet
Turmeric is a bright yellow aromatic powder widely used in south Asian
cooking. it comes from the rhizome of the turmeric plant, known in Arabic as
Kurkum from which the English name is derived.
Rukbah is a star in the 'W' shaped constellation of Cassiopeia, named after
the famously beautiful Queen Cassiopeia of classical Greece. the name is
originally from arabic rukbah "knee", but this is only one of the famous queen's
body parts with an arabic name.
The coffee tree is native to Sudan and Ethiopia. The word coffee derives from
the Turkish word kahve and the Arabic word qahwah, which means any stimulating
drink, according to Larousse Gastronomique.
Fomalhaut also known as Alpha Piscisaustrini, is the brightest star in the
fish-shaped constellation Piscis. the name Fom Al Hoot comes from scientific
Arabic fam Al Hoot (Al Janubi) "the mouth of the [Southern] Fish"
This popular dish is indigenous to North Africa and used hard semolina. While
recipes and variations occur across the region, depending on the spices and meat
available, it derives directly from the Arabic kouskous, according to Larousse
Wasat is the traditional name for Delta Geminorum in the zodiac constellation
Gemini, made up of the two twins Castor and Pollux. Wasat lies at the centre of
Castor, which gives it its arabic name wasat, which means
Crimson is a deep red colour that originates from the red that infest the
kermes oak, native to the Mediterranean area. It comes from old Spanish
cremesin, which is derived from the Arabic qurmuz.
Deneb is the brightest star in the swan-shaped constellation Cygnus, and is a
direct transliteration of dhanab, the Arabic for "tail", from the phrase Dhanab
Al Dajaja, or "tail of the hen".
Arak is a strong alcoholic with aniseed. according to Larousse Gastronomique,
the work is derived from araq, meaning sweat. it is widely consumed across the
Middle East, Southern Europe and south East asia.
Alembic is a copper pot used in distillation, deriving from the arabic al’
inbiq. the traditional alembic is made up of a boiler, a cap where vapours
collect, and a bent pipe which is cooled to collect the distillate, according to
Larousse Gastronomique.
Umma is the entire community of Muslims bound together by the ties of
religion, according to the oxford English dictionary. It is a direct use of the
Arabic umma, which means people or community.
Tell is an archeological term that refers to the buildup of settlements, one
on top of another. according to the oxford English Dictionary, tell word derives
from arabic tal, meaning a small hill.
Tagine refers to an earthenware cone-shaped cooking pot used almost
exclusively in North African cooking. It is derived from the Arabic word tajin
or frying pan.
Altair is the brightest star in the constellation Aquila (Eagle in Latin).
the name altair is an abbreviation of the arabic al Nisr Al Ta’ir, the Flying
Eagle, which was used in 1650 by the Egyptian astronomer Mohammad al
Erg is a geographical term used in the Sahara Desert to describe an area of
shifting sand. It comes from the Arabic ‘arq, meaning a line of sand dunes. Its
basic use in Arabic refers to a blood vein or the root of a plant, and
subsequently undulating lines of dunes.
Alderban is a bright red star in the middle of the zodiac constellation of
Taurus. The name aldebaran comes from the arabic al Dabaran, which means the
Follower, because this bright star appears to fpllow the constellation of the
Pleides, or the Seven Sisters, in the night sky.
Nadir is the direct opposite of zenith, and is the lowest point of any
celestial object’s orbit. It also uses the Arabic for pathway, with al samt, as
its root, but in this case it is nazir al samt, meaning the opposite on the
Zenith is the highest point in the sky of a celestial object, and comes from
the same root as azimuth, Al Samt meaning path, which in this case was known as
samt al ras (path over the head) which was adopted into old French as cenit,
before becoming zenith in English.
azimuth is derived from The arabic words zawiyat al samt and is the
horizontal part of the direction of a star from the observer, and comes from al
samt, meaning path or direction. it is one of many astronomica l terms that came
into Medieval Europe from science in the arab world.
A sweater or pullover derived from a sailor’s loose outer jacket. the word
arrived in English via the old French adaptation of the arabic word jubba,
meaning a robe that can be worn by either sex, the oxford English dictionary
There are approximately 150 species of gerbil or desert rats, which are
native to North Africa, India and Eastern Asia. In Arabic, the rodents are
called jarbu. They spread, along with their usage, into the Iberian Peninsula,
with jarbu being distorted into gerbil in old French.
The embroidery form macrame in English has been adopted from both Spanish and
French usage describing satin and silks which were heavily embroidered or
bejeweled. in arabic, miqrama refers to an embroidered veil and its meaning
spread through trade in textiles.
Sirocco refers to a wind that blows across the north african desert from the
east. it’s a Spanish derivative of the word sharqiyyah or eastern in arabic. By
the 16th Century, sirocco was adopted from Spanish into English to describe warm
easterly winds.
To early Arab mariners and voyagers, the bird with the largest wingspan was
impressive in the manner in which it dove into the Al Ghattas means diver, with
Albatross being a derivative, spreading through the seaboards of western
Monsoon rains occur in the period between June and September in southeast
Asia. Monsoon derives from the Arabic word mawsim meaning season. The word was
adopted into English as a result of mid-to-late 18th century English travellers
to the Indian subcontinent.
Alcove derives from the Arabic word A l Qubbah which refers to a vault, as in
a vaulted ceiling or dome. Islamic architectural style and engineering was
introduced into Andalusia on the Iberian Peninsula before being copied
throughout medieval Europe.
The word mattress derives from the Arabic word matrah, meaning a large
cushion or soft rug to lie upon. It came to English use in the 14th Century
after spreading from Spain into France at the turn of the 10th
Sumac derives from the Arabic word summaq. Its components have been
historically used to spice food, in leather making and the dyeing of cloths and
as a traditional herbal medicine for stomach ailments.
Spinach derives from isfanakh in eastern classical Arabic, later evolving to
spanekh in Arabic. It was introduced by Arabs to Spain around 10th century, from
where it spread to the rest of Europe.
Descends from the Arabic word naranj and the tree itself is native to India.
Arabs introduced the orange tree to the Mediterranean region in the early 10th
century and was brought to Western Europe by returning Crusaders.
Cumin is the dried seed of the herb Cuminum cyminum, a member of the parsley
family and derives from the Arabic word kammun. It was first introduced to
Europe in the 12th and 13th Centuries.
The origin of the word saffron is derived from the Arabic word zafaraan,
meaning ‘yellow’ and has been used as a colouring and spice in foods for at
least 3,000 years.
The English word amber derives from the Arabic anbar, via Medieval Latin
ambar and Old French ambre. Amber is used as an ingredient in perfumes, as a
healing agent in folk medicine, and as jewelry.
Lemons - laymoon in Arabic - are native to India and China and introduced to
Persia, Iraq and Egypt around 700 AD. The lemon was first recorded in literature
in 10th century Arabic treatise on farming, and was also used as an ornamental
plant in early Islamic gardens.
Trafalgar is where Admiral Nelson won the most famous sea battle in British
history, off Cape Trafalgar which sticks into the Atlantic from southern Spain.
The Arabs called this cape Taraf Al Gharb, the Uttermost West, as it was the
most western point of their dominions.
Wadi is Arabic for valley. However, it has been in common parlance for
centuries via Spanish, and perhaps most famously as the site of some of
Wellington’s toughest fighting against Napoleonic forces near the Portuguese
river Guadalquivir, the wadi Al Kabir.
Sugar - Sukkar in Arabic - was a rare and special commodity in medieval
Europe which used honey as a sweetener, which makes it a treat. The first
recorded uses of sugar in English was at a monastery in Durham in 1302 when a
monk recorded the storage of zuker marok, or Moroccan sugar.
Artichoke is the Arabic Kharshoof, which was borrowed by the Spanish in 1423
as carchiofa and by the Italians in 1525 as carciofo, before changing to the
French artichault in 1538 and the English artochock in 1591.
Apricot comes from the Arabic barqooq, which in turn came from Byzantine
Greek, which took it from classical Latin praecoqua, meaning precocious ripening
peaches. The Arabs passed the word (and fruit) to the Portuguese (albricoque)
and Catalan (albercoc), before it finally arrived in English in 1578 as
Alcohol comes from Kohl, finely powdered stibnite used as eye make up. The
word entered Latin in the 1200s meaning well ground material, and in later
medieval alchemy it moved to define any purified material or ‘quintessence; from
which it was a short lexicographical step to 'alcohol.'
Muslin is a lightweight cotton cloth in a plain weave that came from Mosul in
Iraq, where it was first manufactured. The city gave its name to the cloth which
the Italians called mussoline, and the French mousseline.
Cotton comes from the Arabic qutn, which came to the Arab world from India
after Alexander the Great opened up the markets in 300 BC. When the medieval
Arabs traded cotton into Europe, it was so soft it was assumed that it must be
an animal product like wool.
Parrot finds its origins in the Arabic babbagha, which arrived in Old French
in the 1100s as papegai, as the ‘B’ in babbagha swapped to become ‘P’ as
frequently happens (like in other Arabic origin words like apricot, calipers,
julep, and syrup).
Harem is a direct transliteration of the Arabic hareem, meaning women’s
quarters in a large household, although the root is the Arabic haram meaning
forbidden which indicated the fact that men were not allowed into the women’s
Carat is a unit of weight for precious stones, and may well come from the
Arabic world qirat, defined as the weight of one twenth-fourth of a medieval
Arab gold dinar, or the weight of four barley seeds. But the Arabic word seems
to have its origin in the Greek keration which may also be an origin for the
English carat.
Safari is a Kiswahili word to describe a trip into the wilds of Africa to
watch (or hunt) animals, which started in the 1800s in Kenya. The Swahili took
the word directly from the Arabic safra, to travel, and is one of many Arabic
words used in East Africa.
Ghoul is a terrible ghost, which comes from the Arabic ghool, and first
appeared in Europe in 1712 in a French translation of the Arabian Nights. By the
1800s ghouls were frequently popping up in English translations of Arabian
Nights, and became part of the language.
Candy is a general word for any sweet, but it only arrived in English in
1600s, from the Arabic qand, meaning a hard crystalised mass of sugar, which in
turn came from Persian, and in its turn from Sanskrit since cane sugar was
developed in India.
Gibraltar is an Arabic name, Jabal Tariq, meaning Mountain of Tariq, after
the famous Omayyad general, Tariq Bin Ziad, who led the first Islamic conquest
of Spain in 711. Until the Arabs got there, Gibraltar was known as Mons Calpe,
one the Pillars of Hercules
Magazine is a military store, and it comes from the Arabic makhazin, based on
khazan (meaning to store) with the ma- prefix indicating a noun of place. It was
first recorded in Marseilles in 1228 as a general store house, but English has
always used it as a military store for gunpowder or bullets.
Shufti: “Take a shufti” is how thousands of English soldiers described
‘taking a look’ when they were posted to Second World War Cairo or later in
South Yemen in the 1950s and 1960s, taking the word back to Britain with them.
It is derived from the Arabic word shofti.
Lute is a direct transliteration of Oud, which is the Arabic for the same
instrument. Musicians might argue about how many strings are appropriate, but
Spain had its alod in the 1200s, and the first definite English reference was by
the late 1300s.
Started with Al Kimya'a, meaning alchemy, which is how it arrived in Europe
in a book by Plato Tiburtinus, after which the medieval skills of alchemy gave
way to the modern disciplines of chemistry.
Arsenal is based on Dar Al Sina’a, the House of Manufacturing, and was first
used in English in the Fifteenth Century, when it described a dock-yard for
repairing ships, which meaning is still used by the Italians with the fuller
word darsana.
Algebra comes from Al Jabr, meaning to restore broken parts. Its mathematical
meaning started with the definitive tome, Al-kitāb al-mukhta’ar fī’isāb al-jabr
wa al-muqābala, by the 9th century mathematician Al Khawarizmi.
Giraffe - was known to the Arabic lexicographer, Jawahiri, as Al Zarafa,
which he rather briefly dismissed as “a type of creature’. Later biologists
linked the name more firmly to the long-necked beast of Africa which we all know
Admiral - comes from the Arabic word Amir Al Bihar, meaning Commander of the
Seas, which was a first title used in Norman Sicily. The ‘D’ was added in
Elizabethan England, by court officials ignorant of Arabic. The French still use
I think the word "alcohol" is not related to the arabic word "kohl" but comes from another arabic word "ghawal" meaning intoxication or drunkenness
ReplyDeleteThank you Ahmed that makes a lot of sense.