Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Now available in Kuwait Click-o-Print an online printing service where you can design your own photobooks and calendars using your own digital photos. Use super-easy software for the design, upload it on the net and they will process it, print it and deliver it to you.

LWDLIK- I did a beautiful photobook of my daughter's younger years with another US based company and had to pay an extra $40 for shipping. So having someone local is a bonus. Think I might do a calendar.


  1. Hello,

    Thank you for siting our website. It would be a pleasure for us to do your calendar and deliver it to you faster than the US :) We will be offering other photo-products as well to make it even more fun and exciting :)


  2. Hi Reem, Thank you. When I get a chance to sort out 12 pics will arrange to send them to you to see the quality of the work as well. Please let me know as soon as you get the new products online.



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