Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Kuwait Music & Avant-Garde Music Projects BBC Interview

Kuwait Music (Caesar, Narine), Avant-Garde Music Projects (Ali Sleeq) were interviewed last week by BBC about the local music scene.
Features Aziz on guitars from the Mojolaters Blues Band!
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LWDLIK - Have heard many, many local bands at private functions and they are pretty darn awesome :O)
Hmmm.. Shouldn't someone who censors English (worded) music actually speak English?
And poor old Virgin also had to deal with a ruthless, unbridled pirated market here :O(


  1. Cheers for the mention LWDLIK!

    Its been a long and tough ride, but its finally paying off as KM has created so much awareness that more bands and DJ's are landing gigs and more corporates are conducting events. Its awesome!

    Thanks again!

    1. Pleasure. Look forward to hearing one of the bands on April 20th :O) That hard road only makes the rewards sweeter. A big thank you for all your efforts


Always great to hear from you :O)