Sunday, March 18, 2012

Schools Closing for the Day due to Dusty Weather Conditions in Kuwait

Daughter's school is closed for the day, not sure how many others but I would imagine quite a few. My daughter was met this morning by teachers waving them away LOL, they didn't want any precious poppets dropped off and left there.

My precious poppet is holed up in her room ever since she learned it's Mother's Day :O) I'm hoping it's a beautiful card she's working on. That or she's gone back to sleep.

I knew it...bless her.

She's off to the kitchen now with Dad to bake a cake...


  1. I made that for mummy! Please rate and comment

  2. Oy.. Miss Moppy stay off my laptop. I rated it Loved it and love you xxx


Always great to hear from you :O)